AVEXIR Introduces ASUS ROG Certified DDR4 RAM Modules
Taipei, Taiwan— 29 October, 2015— AVEXIR Technologies Corp., the world’s leading manufacturer in exclusive patented breathing LED & plasma tube technology memory products. Today announced two ASUS ROG certified memory products – IMPACT series & Red Tesla series.
Undoubtedly, the brand of Republic of Gamers (ROG), founding by ASUS, has become legendary among gamers and enthusiasts worldwide for its performance & ultimate computing experience. It released many computer components, including motherboards, graphics cards, keyboards and etc. except memory products. Therefore, ASUS ROG launched certification program, “Together, We’re stronger”, only to qualified partners. As a pioneer of high end memory manufacturer, Avexir is one of the ROG certified partners, and IMPACT series& Red Tesla series are designed to work perfectly with products from ROG. Also, those memory products have undergone extensive testing and validation by ROG engineers, and only the very best succeed. Double assurances of quality and performance from ASUS ROG and Avexir, double values for purchasing.
Now, Avexir is proudly to announce two certified memory products:
.IMPACT series
IMPACT series retained the well-known breathing LED light effect design and added Mayan-inspired markings on heat spreaders, exactly presenting ROG feature and spirit. Being low height, IMPACT series has no clearances issues with CPU coolers. It gives you a fitting design at remarkable performance. Moreover, IMPACT series utilized the latest LED light guide bar and released Red LED color only to perfectly match ASUS ROG spirit.
.Red Tesla series
Red Tesla series is re-designed from Raiden series. To perfectly express the core spirit of ROG, plasma tube lighting effect has changed to red color lighting effect. Also, heat spreaders design is based on black/ red color with Mayan-inspired markings.
Both products above are high performance DDR4 gaming memory modules. They are built for your confidence which passed 16 hand-picked AIST (Avexir Ic Sorting Technology) processes. Specification of speed is from 2666MHz. Exclusive OC function with ROG motherboards, enabling automatically and enjoying the blazing speed without any moves, just simply plug and play. Moreover, they contain lifetime warranty.