4 Biggest Digital Threats to Your Business
Corporate budgets for cybersecurity have never been so high, for so little return on investment. So it’s time for a complete rethink.
Traditional cybersecurity models were built for old times when it was only about locking down a given perimeter and managing threats after the fact. Not only did this approach struggle to work back then, but it is now irrevocably doomed to disappear.
Indeed, it is now the individuals and not the technology that represent the main target of cybercriminals. This evolution requires a change in mentality and a new strategy focused on protecting individuals.
More than $590 million was stolen between January and June 2021 by ransomware, according to a U.S. Treasury Department report released on October 15, 2021. That’s $170 million more than in 2020. And the number of suspicious activity reports jumped 30% year over year.
So what is the most common threat to information security in an organization? In this article, we’ll discuss today’s cyber security problems and solutions, from supply chain to the best hidden spy apps for android – you will get complete information on the topic.
The emergence of intelligent cyberattacks
The democratization of machine learning will result in more innovative attacks that are harder to defend and stop. Sophisticated attackers will design automated attacks that learn from the target’s defenses and optimize them for more effective and relentless attacks. This will usher in a new era of cybercrime that will require more advanced threat intelligence and security coverage. And this is one of the leading IT security concerns.
Imperva Research Labs released a threat intelligence report on the state of security in e-commerce in 2020. The report illustrates the various cybersecurity attack risks facing the retail industry and the impact of the global pandemic on the volume of attacks and web traffic.
How can security teams address business needs to reduce the threat landscape as the business grows faster? Threat modeling is one of the essential things security personnel can do with an enterprise when looking to deploy new services.
Looking at this model from a security perspective is something that many organizations can benefit from in 2022. For example, if you’re a security team and not doing threat modeling exercises with your development teams, it’s recommended to look into it. This can bring significant benefits by teaching development teams to explore the unintended ways software can be abused.
Cybersecurity: what to expect in 2022?
Supply chain
Here is a target that cybercriminals have: the supply chain. It includes all the third parties with which a company collaborates. It can be suppliers, partners, or providers.
Thus, the threat is simple. If hackers find a security hole in a company, they will have access to the whole collaborative chain. So it is not only one company that can be targeted, but all those in its ecosystem.
Mobiles phones are as fragile as ever.
In 2022, mobile devices pose more significant security risks than larger computers. And nobody is safe. Android and iPhone users should all be concerned. McAfee reported that the number of malicious applications on mobiles increased by 118% in 2020. This is proof that hackers are increasingly active on mobiles.
The Cloud
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitization of society and our data. This is enough to make hackers dizzy. And the main culprit in our data leakage is the cloud. The digital cloud is a natural ally for all companies. But while the cloud has become indispensable, it is also a vector of threats.
Is ransomware the number one threat?
According to the IT security experts at CellTrackingApps, ransomware is a common attack technique of cybercrime that consists of sending malicious software to the victim that encrypts all their data and asks him for a ransom in exchange for the decryption password.
To summarize: cybercriminals steal your data and demand thousands of euros. Many companies paid the price for this in 2021. Experts are worried about one thing: that the attacks will increase. But that’s not all: hackers are now targeting all types of companies. Most importantly, they target companies regardless of whether they can or cannot pay the ransom. Even worse, the industry is becoming more professional. Today, anyone can become a nasty hacker.