7 Ways to Engage Students in the Learning Process with the Latest Technology
Engaging students in the era of technology can seem like a real challenge teachers must face. The traditional ways of delivering information and sharing knowledge might not be as effective as they once were, as technology comes with new tools and devices that catch the attention of students. As a teacher, you want to do your job the best you can. You need to engage students in your classes, to see if they are really interested in what you teach and the subjects you talk about.
But sometimes, this can seem challenging, as they have different needs and expectations from their teachers. So, how can you actively engage students in the learning process with the latest technology? Experts from the best essay writing service uk who offer assignment help for educational and teaching subjects have shared seven ways you can easily do this nowadays.
- Submitting assignments as blogs
- Collaborating with students from other countries
- Infographics
- Lessons created by students
- Quizzes
- Interactive video lessons
- Recording lessons
Submitting Assignments as Blogs
This might seem like an odd idea, but it is actually one that engages students a lot. At first, it might feel strange that they can submit their assignments as blogs, but this can make them more responsible with the learning and writing process. There are a lot of platforms that you can use for free, so you can introduce this method within the classroom.
Some students might not feel comfortable with making their assignments public, as they might not trust their writing skills. But having a blog where you can post comments and easily evaluate their essays and assignments could turn out to be a really nice and engaging way to make them more interested in their tasks and spend time working on them so that they are powerful and compelling ones.
Collaborating With Students from Other Countries
This might not be new to you, but it is an effective way to spark engagement within the classroom. Sometimes, the learning process can be tumultuous, especially because there are some topics that your students might find boring.
But if they get the chance to collaborate and work with students from other countries, and other parts of the world, they will become more engaged in the learning process. For example, you might teach geography so you can create the opportunity for your students to talk with students from other countries that can share more geographical facts about their countries. Interactive learning always sparks engagement, so it is great that technology helps you do this nowadays.
Infographics are nice ways to send information in an artistic and visual way. Nowadays, students want to stay away from huge chunks of text and even though this is not possible every time, in some cases creating the information in a visual way is more effective. As a teacher, you can create the syllabus or some lessons by using infographics you can share with the entire class.
They are more effective and students can get access to them anytime. Most of them might have a visual memory, so it will be easier to just remember some details easier if they are presented in a visual and eye-candy way. The latest technology allows you to create infographics easily, without needing to have graphic design skills.
Lessons Created by Students
Another way you can increase engagement within your class and support the learning process is to encourage your students to create the lessons by themselves. They can take the form of individual assignments or group projects, and this can be a nice opportunity for them to develop their skills. This way, you can understand what they find relevant and important about the lesson too.
Instead of the traditional tests, you give to students to test their knowledge, you can create some really nice and interactive quizzes. You can even organize a competition within the class, you can make groups and encourage them to gain as many points as they can.
Learning can be fun too and as a teacher, you can use the latest technology to do that easily. There are a lot of digital tools that are very user-friendly and easy to use, so you do not need to have programming knowledge. Quizzes and competition in a healthy and fun way can spark interest and support the learning process within the classroom.
Interactive Video Lessons
Interactive video lessons are under the spotlight as they now begin to be introduced within the classroom by many teachers. You can use a lot of tools to create these visual lessons. Asking students about their opinion on them will help you know how to tailor the learning experience later. Many students think that interactive video lessons are the future of education as they catch their attention and engage them deeply in the learning process.
Recording Lessons
Last but not least, recording lessons is a nice way to support the learning process as students can access the lessons anytime. You can edit the videos afterward and add reading materials or the bibliography you used so that they can delve deeper into the topic. Having the possibility of returning to what you have taught them supports the learning process considerably.
Final Thoughts
Traditional methods of teaching might not be so effective anymore, as the world changes and the needs and expectations change along with it. Nowadays, everyone is directed by technology and students spend a lot of time using it. Whether it is social media or other digital tools, they are deeply immersed in a deeply technological world. As a teacher, you can use many tools and techniques to spark interaction within the classroom, catch the attention of the students, and engage them in the learning process. Which, ultimately, supports their development.