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Cooler Master Announces Case Mod World Series 2017

Cooler Master Announces Case Mod World Series 2017

Cooler Master, a leader in design and manufacturing computer components and peripherals, today announced the 8th installment of the annual Case Mod World Series. The global case modding competition invites anyone from first-time tinkerers to seasoned veterans to make and submit their creations from Feb 3rd to May 3rd. Entrants can treat viewers to photos and descriptions of their mods in their work-log as they work through their projects. In celebration of Cooler Master’s 25th Anniversary, a bonus category has been added to this year’s contest to encourage entrants to commemorate the iconic products of the last 25 years and honor the classics with new pieces of modding beauty.

“We have created countless product innovations and design break-throughs which paved the way to the standard cases and cooling technology seen today. With this being the 25th year of our company, we wanted to pay tribute by inviting modders to participate in the biggest modding event in the community with a bonus category for $2500 in cash,” said Raymen Wu, Marketing Director.

Cooler Master aims to encourage newcomers to the contest with their new #MASTERBUILD platform. This modding dedicated website is filled with inspiring stories, tutorials, galleries and events aimed at continuously growing and expanding the modding community. Visit to find out more.

This year, Cooler Master is expanding the scope of the World Series to include regional modding workshops and local meet & greet events in many countries around the world. Modders can share their creative design techniques and passions about all things PC building and modding. These events will allow World Series participants, PC building enthusiasts and Cooler Master fans in general to meet and interact directly with Cooler Master and world class modders. Special limited edition #MASTERBUILD t-shirts will be available to win in limited supply.

The event is being co-sponsored by many leaders in the PC building industry such as ASUS, Nvidia, HyperX and Dremel. Some fantastic prizes totaling almost US$40,000 are in store for this year’s winners, but there is more reason to get involved than just the jackpot. Modders can share their fantastic creations with a worldwide audience and fire up their creative juices with other local modders through regional events. The registration deadline for this year’s competition is March 31st. To get involved and follow updates as the competition unfolds, please visit:

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