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Deewear is having a 10% off sale on their FlyONE Sport Bluetooth Headpohones

Deewear is having a 10% off sale on their FlyONE Sport Bluetooth Headpohones

deewear_logoDeewear - promo v.4

The good folks at Deewear have just emailed be with some images regarding their latest promotion. They are currently offering 10% on their Amazing FlyONE headphones which we have previously reviewed. To see our review head one over to the Deewear FlyONE Sport Bluetooth Headphones Review and see what we thought. Head on over to Amazon UK to pick yourself up a pair now!

Deewear FlyONE on Amazon CLICK HERE
Make sure to use code FL1SALES to get 10% off of your order!

Here are some images of the FlyONE from our review:

Deewear-FlyONE-Sport-Bluetooth-Headphones-Review_8 Deewear-FlyONE-Sport-Bluetooth-Headphones-Review_2 Deewear-FlyONE-Sport-Bluetooth-Headphones-Review_4 Deewear-FlyONE-Sport-Bluetooth-Headphones-Review_9 Deewear-FlyONE-Sport-Bluetooth-Headphones-Review_3Deewear - promo v.2

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