E-Win Hero Series Ergonomic Gaming Chair Review
- Manufacturer: EwinRacing
- Product: Hero Series
- Purchase: €289 (Use code ‘Enos Tech’ for 15% off)
Today, we will be taking a look at the Hero Series chair from our friends at E-Win. Being one of our main sponsors, E-Win has helped us grow our site and user base and we always look forward to getting one of their new chairs in. E-win has a great lineup of gaming chairs available in a number of different designs and colours. E-Win, as with most Gaming Chair manufacturers also has chairs that are catered to people of different sizes, so make sure to look into this before you just go purchasing a chair all willy nilly now! If you want to see a bit more of what E-Win has to offer, check out our Flash XL and Champion Series reviews.
The Hero Series comes in two different styles, each of which comes in both red and blue. The main difference between the two styles is an added white area to the back and removing the colour from the seat. The Hero Series are designed using a durable steel frame, cold moulding high-density foam, a 120mm Class 4 gas lift and a 5-star aluminium base. As far as gaming chairs go, this one looks pretty sweet on paper and if the previous E-Win chairs we have reviewed are anything to go by, it should live up to the spec sheet. What do you say we take a closer look at the Hero Series and find out what all the gaming chair hype is about?
Style Name: Hero Series
Chair Type: Gaming/Office Chair
Foam Type: High-Density Separated Foaming
Foam Density: 55kg/m3
Frame Construction: Metal
Adjustable Armrests: 2D
Mechanism Type: Multi-functional Tilt
Gas Lift Class: 4
Adjustable Back Angle: 85-155 Degree
Adjustable Lumbar Cushion: Yes
Adjustable Headrest: Yes
Base Type: 5-star Wide Aluminum Base
Caster Size & Material: 2″ Caster/PU
Inside the box
While it would be awesome if these chairs came pre-built, sadly they don’t. However, users can find everything they need inside the Hero Series box from all the parts, to the installation guide to a pair of gloves to help make sure you don’t get your nasty finger prints all over your pretty new chair!
Hero Series Set Up
We’ve built up a good few gaming chairs and they are all fairly similar to set up, even if from different manufacturers. So, with that being said, check out our EWin Flash XL review to see the installation guidelines should you need a bit of help. CLICK HERE FOR FLASH XL Review. In the future, we will be making a universal installation video to make things a bit easier for all!
Closer Look
As you will all obviously know, I am a big fan of the colour blue. Being one of our main Sponsors, E-Win knows this and they do a great job of keeping me happy! There is no denying this chair is easy on the eyes and looks like it should be quite comfortable, so let’s check it out and see how it stacks up.
Let’s start with the 5-star base and work our way up. Again, as we have seen with other E-Win chairs, there are some grips on top of each of the 5-points. These are going to come in handy for those who like to rest their feet here ensuring they don’t slip as easy as normal. The 5-point base colour also matches that of the chair which is great to see. The only issue I have here is the casters. While the casters are more than suitable for the chair, they are a bit smaller than what we have been seeing from other companies at the moment. The Casters don’t cause any issues at all and are more personal preference than anything but once you have used the bigger casters, you’ll appreciate what they have to offer a bit more. The bigger casters allow for better movement, especially on carpet and softer surfaces and are something I have sort of come accustomed to lately.
.As with a lot of chairs, the arm rests can be moved a small amount from one side to the other by loosening the screws and sliding the armrest to the side. This just helps to ensure that everyone can find a comfortable setting for the arm rests when it comes to E-Win’s Hero Series of chairs.
The Hero series features an 85-155 degree recline as well as a tilt mechanism which can also be locked. Both of these levers will be on the right side of the chair if you built it properly and are easy to use. The tilt mechanism lever on the bottom will also allow you to activate the gas lift and raise the chair up or down.
Another personal preference of mine is having the seat flat. What I mean is I don’t like to see those chairs that have the leg rests in the middle of the front of the chair. The flat surface is much more comfortable for me and the raised ‘hill like’ sides are to keep your legs from resting against the arm rests. This offers two main upsides, one is it will help keep pressure off the arm rests ensuring they don’t break and it is also just for general comfort.
Making our way up to the midsection of the chair and we can see there is a nice and big lumbar support cushion. It took me a while to get used to using one of these but I have to say it was well worth it as now I can’t go without that extra support. E-Win have gone with a bit taller and thinner lumbar support than what we see with a lot of other chairs. I am a big fan of the bigger size as it feels to me as if it offers a bit more support for my mid-back as well as the lower back which is great, especially when you spend as much time sitting in a chair as I do.
The headrest is quite a bit smaller than the lumbar pillow but this is fine. The headrest pillow is properly positioned to be used when the user of the chair is sitting up properly. This pillow can also easily be lifted up and taken off the chair for those who don’t fancy it.
Taking the headrest pillow off reveals a plastic area in the chair. This is to help make sure the straps from the lumbar pillow don’t damage the chair in any shape or form. In the below pic, we can also get a great look at the design of the chair, one which I favour quite a bit. While I am a fan of blue, the white area just helps to bring the whole design in and really just helps offer that extra aesthetic appeal.
The back of the chair is plain as can be and that is just fine with me. The back of the chair doesn’t get seen a lot so no point in wasting time and money on adding any fancy graphics or patterns here, keep it nice and simple.
Not only can the armrests be moved side to side by loosening the screws on the underside of the chair, you can also move them up and down depending on your height. This little button on the side can be easily lifted to allow you to raise or lower the whole armrest, offering maximum comfort.
Final Thoughts
Well, this chair is certainly comfortable, even after a prolonged period of time there is no doubt about that. The high-density foam used is great and offer a firm yet comfortable sitting experience. The high-density nature also means it won’t lose its shape as easy as standard foam and will remain comfortable for quite some time. The Hero Series chair has the standard tilt/recline features as well meaning most people should be able to find a comfortable position whether they are sitting at the PC or are reclining watching a film during a short break from gaming. The added grips atop the 5-star base help to make sure your foot doesn’t slide off should you decide to rest it on the base as a lot of us do. The included lumbar and headrest pillows offer added support and comfort but for those who are not a fan of them, they can easily be taken off by unclicking the straps and removing them from the chair.
E-Win knows what they are doing and it shows with their chairs. From the durable steel frame to the cold moulding foam and class-4 gas lift, E-Win doesn’t compromise on the parts used to build their chairs. E-Win have gone with a fairly standard 5-star base and while I am not a fan of the 2″ casters, they do what they’re meant to and allow the chair to glide across the floor. The simple aesthetic of the Hero Series is also on point and features a favourable design in my opinion. Some chairs try to do too much in terms of the design and colours but E-Win has kept it simple and classy with their Hero Series which is great to see.
For €289 E-Win have a good chair on their hands with the Hero Series. Even at this price, this chair can just about be considered a mid-range offer as some chairs are still even more expensive than this. I would say this price is fairly standard for similar type gaming chairs currently on the market and going by others, is well worth it. For this type of money, you will not be disappointed in the Hero Series and it will be more a case of making sure this chair is suitable for your size. While it may not have all the bells and whistles some of the never chairs have, it has all the main features one could ask for and represent good value for the money.
Many thanks to E-Win for sending in their Hero Chair for this review and we look forward to seeing more from them in the future!