Fun Virtual Hangout Ideas To Enjoy With Your Friends
The internet continues to break down the barriers that long-distance friendships impose on us, allowing us to make and maintain friendships with those in other parts of the world. While time zones can still cause some issues, with certain friends maybe having to stay up for longer than others to take part in some of the things you have planned, today it is easier than ever to keep these long-distance friendships going and make them feel similar to any other type of friendship. For example, certain friendship groups will host virtual hangout events, allowing people to take part in virtual versions of gatherings using voice communication apps and screen-sharing software, meaning that you can plan a night in with friends over the internet, just like inviting everyone over to your home. To give you some inspiration, here are some virtual hangout ideas that you can try with your friends.
Virtual Cook-Along
While it may seem impossible to host any form of dinner event online, there are ways in which you can do so virtually. This is perfect for those groups of foodie friends who live too far from each other to sit down in person and enjoy some delicious food. However, one way in which people get around this is to instead host a virtual cook-along night using communication hangout software. This became popular over the past few years due to the pandemic, but it’s still a perfect activity for those who live so far apart. You could either hire a chef to guide you through the process or instead get everyone to come up with their own recipes each session and lead the cook-along. Give everyone time to prepare beforehand by revealing what ingredients everyone will need and what equipment they will need.
Watch A Movie
Another great way that you can have fun when hanging out with friends online is to watch a movie together. There are many different ways in which you can do this. First of all, for a slightly more authentic experience, you could set up what is known as a watch party on certain streaming apps. This is where you and your group of friends will have shared access to the same stream. When one person pauses the movie, it pauses for everyone, so you won’t have to worry about resyncing the stream whenever someone needs a bathroom break or goes to get snacks. You can then set up your laptops and webcams so you can share in everyone else’s reactions. The great thing about this is that you can chat when you want to, but you can also mute the other participants and yourself during unmissable moments in the movie.
Have An Online Casino Night
Visiting a casino can be a very fun and thrilling night out, with drinks and socializing and the prospect of possible winnings. You can get a similar experience by hosting a virtual casino night via the same hangout software. You then all log into a site such as Jackpot Casino and try your hand at some of their live casino games together. You’ll find a selection of live, hosted table games to play together like baccarat, roulette, and blackjack. As well as this, you could also try out the online slots too, possibly even winning the jackpot. However, when playing at an online casino, remember that this is gambling and that you shouldn’t bet on anything you cannot afford to lose. It’s highly recommended that you stop playing once you stop having fun. Remember that you can share your screen with others using hangout software, and once you’ve played enough, you could watch and support your friends instead.
Host A Debate
While some will suggest that discussing certain topics should be avoided when spending time with friends, others will be confident in the strength of their friendships, knowing that, even if conversations get heated, everyone will still be friends afterwards. A healthy debate can be a riveting and entertaining time, and certain friendship groups will thrive on this back and forth. Consider picking a debate topic and allowing everyone to prepare their points beforehand. You could then have everyone else vote on the winner of the debate, with the loser being able to choose the topic next time. Just make sure that everyone is on the same page and that the debate stays on track so that nobody starts getting personal with their arguments.
Host A Pub Quiz
Another great option for an activity is to host your own virtual pub quiz night. Whether you host this weekly or monthly, this can be something fun for everyone to look forward to. Have the host choose their topic and mix that in with some general knowledge questions. They can then read the questions, allowing players time to write them down before moving on to the next. Of course, one downside to this is that it’s hard to keep others from cheating during the quiz, especially when they’re playing on a laptop. You’ll have everyone agree to an honour system and hope you can trust everyone to play fairly. Avoid offering any form of expensive prize, too, so that nobody ends up falling out and throwing around cheating accusations to keep things light and fun.