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Fuze works with ASUS on the Tinkerboard

Fuze and ASUS have today announced that they will be working together with two new models from the FUZE Workstation range which will be powered by the ASUS Tinker Board.

The new units are, the FUZE-TB-R priced at £249.99 including VAT. It comes complete and ready to run out of the box. Included is the FUZE Special Edition case & keyboard, ASUS Tinker Board, FUZE IO Board with built in analog, 16GB boot SD card, the FUZE Component pack, solderless electronics breadboard, mouse and mouse mat, 250 page reference guide (PDF), worksheets (PDF) and the ever popular USB Robot Arm kit.

The second unit is the FUZE-TB-D priced at £149.99 including VAT. Included is the FUZE Special Edition case & keyboard, ASUS Tinker Board, FUZE IO Board with built in analog, 16GB boot SD card, solderless electronics breadboard, reference guide (PDF) and worksheets (PDF).

“The ASUS Tinker Board is a great addition to the FUZE line up and with its increased performance over the Raspberry Pi it makes learning to code with FUZE more accessible than ever. The support we’ve received in this project from ASUS has been fantastic and very generous. We are quite literally honoured to be working with them.” Jon Silvera, CEO FUZE Technologies Ltd.

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