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How To Protect Your Employees Against Malware Attacks

How To Protect Your Employees Against Malware Attacks

In the digital age we live in, everything appears to be done online in the workplace. Whilst this does help to enhance an employee’s abilities at work, it also puts them at risk of harmful malware attacks which may leave their and your company’s data in the wrong hands. 

Malware is an intrusive software developed by cyber criminals and in 2022, around 40% of companies identified a cyber-attack within their organisation. Cyber attacks most commonly come in the form of fishing emails or contained malware. 

Without training and effective security of your systems, your company may be subject to attacks in the future which could seriously harm the business. Read on to find out how you have to protect your employees and your company from malware attacks.


The first step in every employee’s onboarding training should cover the importance of proper cyber security and show how to protect themselves from the start. Highlight the importance of this and show them what could happen if they’re not vigilant.

You should then offer regular refresher training for the whole company and make training on new data processes/laws mandatory. This way each of your employees knows what they should and shouldn’t do on their computers.

Encourage encryption 

Encryption makes it almost impossible for hackers to retrieve data from devices. This is the process of converting information into a code to prevent unauthorised access. You can encrypt anything from company USBs to online passwords. This makes for a great deterrent and an extra layer of protection which may come in handy whilst you identify the breach.

Stay up to date

Whilst it may seem like there’s a new software update every other week, keeping on top of these and having employees do the same can help to patch any weak points in your IT systems. To encourage your employees to update their systems frequently, ask them to check for updates at the end of the working day, so they can update the computers at a convenient time. 

Use antivirus software

Installing antivirus software and firewalls on all your company’s computers, mobiles and other tech can help reduce the risk of them falling subject to bugs. This is one of the more common methods used in cyber security and often companies can purchase company-wide software at great rates. 

When a cyber security attack happens, the hackers can gain access to up to 93% of your company’s network. Don’t let your company be the next one that’s subject to these attacks and follow the steps above to sure up your security. Adding these layers of security will give your companies peace of mind each time they log in, so act now.


About The Author

B Enos

With a lifetime love of gaming and computers, I enjoy spending my time testing new hardware and tech. With over 10+ Years as a product reviewer, I offer easy-to-understand insights into any product I test. While I specialize in reviewing PC Gaming Hardware, I do enjoy all aspects of the tech and gaming industries.