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HTVRONT Auto Heat Press Machine Review

HTVRONT Auto Heat Press Machine Review

HVTRONT Auto Heat Press – Making Custom Shirts Has Never Been So Easy!

Today, we are taking a look at the HTVRONT Auto Heat Press. While this is a bit out of the norm for us but we are trying to expand the products we cover. This machine is going to allow you to more easily add heat-pressed vinyl to your shirts. It has an easy-to-read temperature and settings display and is as easy as just pushing a button.

HTVRONT has some other products that offer similar functions. Everything from heat presses to vinyl and everything you need to get started. Also, while it is not yet available, HTVTRONT’s sister company LOKLIK will be releasing the LOKLIK CRAFTER Vinyl Cutting Machine.

Pricing – Currently, the HTVRONT Auto Heat Press is on a limited deal for $251.99 are their American site. However, those in the UK can also find it for £364.99 on their UK site.

*HTVRONT will be holding a Summer Party Sale from July 7th to July 11th on their official website, and various platforms such as Amazon, eBay, and more. There will be up to a 50% discount on various products.

HTVRONT Features

Smart Pressure Transducer

Simply put, this will allow the machine to auto-detect the right pressure needed for the project you are doing. It can handle items up to 2.5 cm/1 inch thick!

2x Faster Heating

This heat press can reach its maximum temperature of 210℃/410℉ in around 6 minutes. If only using the temperature of 160°C, the machine can be heated up in less than 4 minutes. This is due to the design which features a dual-zone heating engine.

Bigger Heat Plate and Efficiency Modes

The HTVRONT heat press machine is 15″x15″ and has a large heating plate to make sure it evenly heats up your vinyl when applying it. This will help keep things smooth and the colours vibrant.

It also had 4 fast modes, 2 customer-defined modes, and an auto mode. All of these modes can be easily changed with the click of a button.

Safety and Auto-Off Features

Not only is this heat press easy to use, but it also has your back when it comes to safety. The pullout heat drawer means your hands are never directly under the heat plates. It also has multiple layers of thermal insulation and HTVRONT’s exclusive H-Colling technology to make sure it dissipates heat quickly. Also, should the machine not be used for 10 minutes it will just turn itself off, saving electricity and providing extra safety.

HVTRONT Auto Heat Press Closer Look

As you might imagine, the HVTRONT Auto Heat Press machine is a bit on the heavy side. While the box is also rather large, there is nothing in it except the machine, which is very well protected, and a small user manual.

The user manual has some of the details on the machine, but it doesn’t really show you how to fully use the machine. The HTVRONT Auto Heat Press is easy to use, but that first time you may need a small bit of guidance, and we will show you how to use it below.

htvront auto heat press machine off

On the front of the heat press, you will see a small display and a few buttons. This is going to have you up and running and using the heat press within no time.

On the left, we have the main power button and the temperature and timing buttons.

On the right are the + and – which will be used to control the power and temperature and the R button which is what you will hit when you are ready to use the heat press.

The bottom buttons are for the modes. The first button is going to allow users to choose from the 4 preset modes HTVRONT has added, the middle button is the custom modes so you can set them to your needs, and the A at the end is for the auto-mode when the iron board is pushed in, the machine will press the item automatically.

htvront auto heat press display off

When the machine is on you will see the display. You can change the temperature display between Fahrenheit and Celsius but pressing the temperature button and holding it for a short while.

The number on the right is the seconds that the heat press will press your item. Again, this can be manually set or you can use one of the preset settings that will base the timing on the temperature currently being used.

htvront auto heat press

Looking at the sides and on the bottom you can see an indent to the base in the middle. This is where you will want to lift the machine to ensure you do not damage it.

Please always use these when possible as you don’t want to damage the machine by picking it up from other parts that may move. This could break or even mess up the calibration of the machine in some instances.

htvront auto heat press side view 2

htvront auto heat press sside view 3

Using The HTVRONT Auto Heat Press Machine

Using the machine is easy and once you do it once, you will be well on your way to wanting to add vinyl to all the shirts in your house!

The first thing you want to do is put your shirt on the machine, push the drawer in, and press the item for around 5 seconds or so. This is going to iron the shirt and get the wrinkles out to make sure you have the best contact for the vinyl.

htvront auto heat press instrcutions pre iron

Once you have done that, you can set your vinyl. As you will see, I went with individual letters to test things out and I will say, it does take some practice to get them to lineup nicely. The process is the same but there is no denying it would be much easier to just use a single vinyl.

htvront auto heat press instructions applying letters

Once you have your vinyl placed, you will want to add the Teflon sheet over the top. This does come included with the HTVRONT Auto Heat Press and makes it so the vinyl don’t stick to the heat plate.

htvront auto heat press instructions applying teflon sheets

Once that is done, you will want to push the drawer in and hit the R button. Should it start beeping or not press down on the shirt, it could be that the shirt is hanging a bit too far or the edge. This is another reason why it is important to use the iron function first as that will let you know if there are any issues with the shirt placement as well as get rid of any wrinkles.

htvront auto heat press in action

We used one of the preset settings which used a temperature of 320f and a press time of 15 seconds.

htvront auto heat press pre programmed settings

Once the press is done, you can pull the drawer out and remove the Teflon sheet. It is then recommended to let the item cool for a little while before you pull any excess plastic off the vinyl letters. I waited about 30 seconds as I was a bit anxious to see how it came out and to see if the vinyl was pressed properly.

Everything was fine and while I need to work on the spacing of my letters, the vinyl was stuck on properly. I even tried to scratch it off at the corners in multiple places and it would not come off. For how quick this was, I am very amazed at how well the overall outcome is.

htvront auto heat press sample shirt enos tech 0

Yes, I had to go and get a second shirt to have another go. As the machine was already heated up and ready, it took me about a minute to do the second shirt and most of that was trying to line up the letters.        htvront sample enos 7 shirt

Final Words

Currently, the HTVRONT Auto Heat Press is on a limited deal for $251.99 are their American site. However, those in the UK can also find it for £364.99 on their UK site. Even at the UK pricing, this machine is well worth its money. It will take all the guesswork out of the process and allow you to just enjoy the end results with ease.

Using the machine is easy and once you have done it the first time, you will be able to continue to enjoy it anytime you want. As a first-time user, there is no setup, no calibration, no nothing. You just simply plug the auto heat press in, select your temperature and timing, line up your shirt and you are good to go, it really is that easy. I am still amazed at how easy it was and have been left wondering why I hadn’t tried this earlier. We will definitely be using this for more content and to create some custom merch for Enos Tech in the near future.

After a few tests of the HTVRONT Auto Heat Press, I am still loving the quality of the heat press vinyl. Not only does HTVRONT have its own heat transfer vinyl, but you can also easily buy some from the likes of eBay and Amazon. For this review, I bought some letters from Amazon Uk which can be FOUND HERE.

There really isn’t much more than can be said. This machine makes adding vinyls to your shirts easier than ever and it does an amazing job at doing so. If you are looking for a new heat press, I highly suggest adding this to your shortlist, especially given the current pricing.

*HTVRONT will be holding a Summer Party Sale from July 7th to July 11th on their official website, and various platforms such as Amazon, eBay, and more. There will be up to a 50% discount on various products.

Enos Tech Must Have Award

About The Author

B Enos

With a lifetime love of gaming and computers, I enjoy spending my time testing new hardware and tech. With over 10+ Years as a product reviewer, I offer easy-to-understand insights into any product I test. While I specialize in reviewing PC Gaming Hardware, I do enjoy all aspects of the tech and gaming industries.