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Multiplay Insomnia Gaming Festival i58 – MSI Booth

Multiplay Insomnia Gaming Festival i58 – MSI Booth

Multiplay is regarded as the UK’s biggest gaming festival but it’s much more than just that. It is also a place for people to meet up and have fun whilst enjoying some gaming and seeing the newest and coolest toys and hardware that there is. Insomnia has grown over the years and i58 was absolutely mental in size. One of my favourite things is that it brings a lot of PC hardware companies together to show off their latest products.

MSI was on hand and not only did they bring their MASSIVE Lucky, they also brought along some great hardware from GPUs and Mobos to their new 10 Series gaming notebooks. They even brought along a couple of VR setups where some lucky i58 goers could try out some VR and see what all the fuss was about. While I personally didn’t try out the VR, it does look quite fun and I am going to have to book some time in somewhere here soon to give it all a go. As per normal, MSI had plenty of swag on hand to give out to some lucky people and more than enough staff manning their booth to help you with any questions you may have had.

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