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Overclockers UK are first to list the Raijintek Atlantis series

Overclockers UK are first to list the Raijintek Atlantis series

06/10/2015, Overclockers UK, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, are the first to list the Raijintek Atlantis series, a range of watercooling products from Raijintek for the user to build their very own watercooling loop, cooling the processor, graphics card and memory.

Starting with the waterblocks in the Raijintek Atlantis range, there are three; the CPU, GPU and VRM (CWB-C1, GWB-C1 and VWB-C1) waterblocks. All designed to fit the latest generation platforms from AMD, Intel and NVIDIA. These blocks are user friendly for installation and can easily be fitted to the user’s hardware.

Raijintek Atlantis

raijintek atlantis CPU block

The waterblocks are copper, melted by alloying brazing and nickel plated then finished off with mirror polishing treatment. The waterblocks have a 3D micro-structure flow tunnel inside enabling the coolant from the cold plate to heat up accordingly and sufficiently to transfer the heat extremely well. The thread type on the waterblocks are 1/4 thread, the standard thread allowing users to upgrade their watercooling system easily.


The Raijintek superior pump is the RAI-PM5, a high level solution for enthusiast and PC builders to create a great watercooling system. The pump features a super flow discharge of 480 L/H and head-lift of 15 feet at a maximum speed, giving the loop a great flow rate. The RAI-RM5 also operates steadily and silently, and also comes with a support bracket providing users a study, reliable and friendly installation.


The tube reservoir, RAI-R10 (10CM tall) is made from high quality Polyocymethylene and Polymethylmethacrylate, a thermoplastic that is durable with excellent dimensional stability. The reservoir is also light-weight and has a waterfall design inside, the unit also comes with many anodised options, from black, red, blue and gold. There is also the RAI-R20 (20cm tall) that is designed for those who want a larger reservoir in their system.


The coolant available is the RAIAQUA-T1, the best partner for the watercooling products, including anti-freeze, preventing the PC cooling system from corrosion and cavitation, antirusting and water scale reducing. Additional to the Raijintek Aqua coolant is three bottles of dye, green, red and blue, so you can create the colours you want conveniently.


The RAITUBO-T3 is 200cm in length of watercooling tubing, manufactured from medical grade PVC material, and designed for resisting twisting and collapsing allowing for tighter bends without kinking. With 3/8” barbs and compression fittings, the Raijintek tubing gives users better mounting and easier fitting and an ideal flow.

Product Link:

If the above link is still not working, check their forum post for individual links to the products here

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