Qualcomm has launched a new Snapdragon X chip, the X1-26-100, based on the existing Snapdragon X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus models. Targeting the $600 price range for notebooks. The chip is also aimed at expanding the mini PC market.
While the X1-26-100 offers lower performance compared to the X Plus and X Elite, Qualcomm promises it delivers better performance per watt than Intel’s Core i5 120U processor, along with improved battery life.
Like other Snapdragon X-series chips, the X1-26-100 features a 45 TOPS NPU and meets Microsoft’s Windows 11 AI+ PC requirements. It uses the Qualcomm Oryon architecture, with an 8-core CPU, a maximum frequency of 3GHz, and is built on a 4nm process.
Qualcomm is actively growing the Snapdragon X chip ecosystem, with more than 60 notebooks currently in production or development using these chips. The company expects this number to exceed 100 by 2026. Below is a comparison of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X series chips:
Snapdragon X Series
Processor | Qualcomm Oryon CPU | Qualcomm Adreno GPU | Qualcomm Hexagon NPU | Memory |
Snapdragon X Elite | ||||
X1E-00-1DE | 12 cores, 42 MB cache, 3.8 GHz, 4.3 GHz (Dual-Core) | 4.6 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
X1E-84-100 | 12 cores, 42 MB cache, 3.8 GHz, 4.2 GHz (Dual-Core) | 4.6 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
X1E-80-100 | 12 cores, 42 MB cache, 3.4 GHz, 4.0 GHz (Dual-Core) | 3.8 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
X1E-78-100 | 12 cores, 42 MB cache, 3.4 GHz | 3.8 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
Snapdragon X Plus | ||||
X1P-66-100 | 10 cores, 42 MB cache, 3.4 GHz, 4.0 GHz (Single-Core) | 3.8 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
X1P-64-100 | 10 cores, 42 MB cache, 3.4 GHz | 3.8 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
X1P-46-100 | 8 cores, 30 MB cache, 3.4 GHz, 4.0 GHz (Single-Core) | 2.1 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
X1P-42-100 | 8 cores, 30 MB cache, 3.2 GHz, 3.4 GHz (Single-Core) | 1.7 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
Snapdragon X | ||||
X1-26-100 | 8 cores, 30 MB cache, 3.0 GHz* | 1.7 TFLOPS | 45 TOPS | LPDDR5x, 8448 MT/s |
Additionally, Qualcomm previewed its first mini desktop powered by a Snapdragon X-series chip, hinting at more Windows 11 AI+ mini PCs coming soon.
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