According to the latest GeekBench benchmarking data, the global version of the standard Galaxy S25 is confirmed to be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Extreme Edition for Galaxy chip, featuring a clock speed of 4.47GHz. Additionally, the device will see a memory upgrade, with RAM increasing from 8GB to 12GB.

Samsung Galaxy S25

Traditionally, the standard Galaxy S series models, which target regions like Europe, Africa, and South America, have been equipped with Samsung’s own Exynos chips. For instance, the Galaxy S24 series utilizes the Exynos 2400 chip.

The GeekBench database reveals that the global version of the Galaxy S25, model number “SM-S931B,” will indeed be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Extreme Edition for Galaxy. Notably, the clock speed is boosted to 4.47GHz, higher than the standard Snapdragon 8 chip’s 4.32GHz.

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Additionally, the listing confirms that the Galaxy S25 standard version will come with a 12GB RAM option, a notable improvement over the previous 8GB configuration, catering to more demanding AI tasks and providing better performance for Galaxy AI features.

Earlier reports also revealed that the standard Galaxy S25 buyers will receive a complimentary 3-month Gemini Advanced subscription. The Galaxy S25+ will come with a 6 month free subscription, and the Galaxy S25 Ultra will include a 1-year free subscription. The Gemini Advanced service is valued at $19.99 monthly.

Read Also: Samsung Galaxy S25 Series Launch: a New Bunch of AI Features Worthy?