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Time to listen up at Gamescom 2017 Speedlink new ‘Maxter’ gaming headset

Time to listen up at Gamescom 2017 Speedlink new ‘Maxter’ gaming headset

Weertzen, 22 August 2017: Top-notch comfort, perfect sound and a great audio experience — with the new Maxter headset. Speedlink presents a new gaming tool at Gamescom 2017 delivering excellent value for money for the budget savvy PC and online gamer. Depending on personal preference and budget, the buyer can choose between high-grade stereo gaming headsets for PS4 and PC or a 7.1 surround sound version of the Maxter.

Today, playing a shooting or racing game demands perfect sound. Without great sound you would feel like you were back in the 70’s with an Atari console. Playing in a shared house you have to be aware of your flatmates’ and neighbours’. Just because you love the sound high it’s better to reduce any external noise, and a modern headset is essential when gaming.

Under the name Maxter, electronics specialist Speedlink is now introducing three different varieties of a new high-performance gaming headset. With special softly padded ear cups and padded adjustable headband, you get the ultimate gaming comfort even when pulling an all-nighter.

The adjustability of the microphone in combination with high-end internals allow for excellent speech quality when playing with a team. A high-quality and textile-covered cable control module regulates the volume or mutes the microphone when necessary. The red-black design of the headset with matt rubberised exterior shells fits seamlessly into Speedlink’s gaming range — everything matches, and the gaming toolbox can be upgraded one by one depending on your budget.

Because both user requirements and budgets can vary, Speedlink is presenting three Maxter editions in total at this year’s Gamescom:

Stereo version for PS4 or PC  and 7.1 Dolby Surround version for the premium segment with additional functionalities. Next to virtual 7.1 surround sound, gamers also have two optional vibration units inside the ear cups. Eye-catching effects and customisability are provided by the LED illumination of the headset in three different colours (red, green, blue and changing colours). In addition, all Maxter headsets come with a red illuminated microphone tip.

The three Maxter versions, which will be debuted at Gamescom, will be available in stores starting in autumn.

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