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Unreal Engine 4 Star Trek Voyager Bridge Tour For Oculus Rift

Unreal Engine 4 Star Trek Voyager Bridge Tour For Oculus Rift

It should come as no surprise that with all the advancements in technology, some have taken it upon themselves to create things highly reminiscent of Star Trek. Today, I wanted to share a couple of videos that are designed to be Virtual Reality tours which could turn into upcoming games for the Oculus Rift. Don’t worry, you can watch these on your PC via the embedded videos below, or click the links to be taken directly to the original YouTube video itself.

As mentioned, both videos are designed with the Oculus Rift in mind, so make sure to check their web page out HERE.

First up, take a tour of the Voyager Bridge. The original demo and thread was started on the Oculus Rift forums at Make sure to check that out after watching the video below!

Voyager Bridge demo running on Unreal Engine 4

Click here to go to the original YouTube video, or watch below.

Up next, we have the Enterprise-D Virtual Tour which is a bit longer than the Voyager Bridge demo but just as amazing! For more info on this project, please visit and of course, check out the video below.

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